
Straight From the Horse's Mouth

A yearly examination with routine care is recommended to make sure everything runs smoothly.

A Passion for Dentistry

At Carrollton Equine we are passionate about equine dentistry. Our veterinarians have taken advanced training on the subject and frequently provide client education talks on the vital role of proper dentistry for horse health. We are equipped with the most modern dental equipment including battery powered motorized hand tools, a wireless scope for viewing small structures within the mouth and the DentiPod system to take intra-oral radiographs.

What is Equine Veterinary Dental Work?

Equine veterinary dentistry is the branch of veterinary medicine that deals with the care and treatment of horse teeth, gums and all other structures of the mouth. Horses have 44 teeth, which are divided into two main categories: incisors and molars. Incisors are the small, sharp teeth at the front of the mouth that are used for biting and grasping food. Molars are the large, flat teeth at the back of the mouth that are used for grinding food.

How Can Equine Veterinary Dentistry Help My Horse?

Horses have "hypsodont" teeth, meaning they constantly erupt over their lifetime. This constant eruptions makes horses susceptible to pathology that is unique to their species. It is also the reason why annual oral exams and maintenance is essential to their overall well being. Poor dental health can lead to a variety of problems, including weight loss, difficulty chewing food, resistance to the bit and poor performance. . Our equine veterinary experts can help to prevent these problems by performing regular checkups and floating, as well as by treating any existing dental pathology.

What Should I Expect From an Equine Veterinary Dental Visit?

When you take your horse to Carrollton Equine, we will perform a thorough examination of your horse's mouth. This examination will include sedation and placement of an oral speculum for a visual inspection of the teeth and gums. . We will use special instruments such as mirrors and an oral scope to get a closer look at your horse's teeth. We will also evaluate all external structures including musculature, lateral excursion of the jaw and comfort of the TMJ. After the examination, we will discuss our findings with you and recommend any necessary treatment.

When your horse’s mouth hurts, nothing works right. Let us help you to keep the edges smooth and to ensure that everyone is working together.

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